

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Mayor thanks citizens, asks them to report businesses that don't follow required precautions in reopening

By Aaron Gershon
University of Kentucky School of Journalism and Media

In his bi-weekly pandemic update Wednesday, Mayor Grayson Vandegrift praised Midway's response to the coronavirus and called for a proactive and careful approach as the town's economy reopens.

"You have done an outstanding job," Vandegrift said to open his update. "I'm so proud of Midway citizens."

He also praised residents for supporting local businesses amid the pandemic. "The way you've supported the restaurants to keep them through this is truly remarkable." However, he said one unnamed store "looks to be closing."

Then the mayor warned that Midway, which has not had a confirmed case of the coronavirus, might begin to see cases appear as more visitors come to town with reopening of retail stores Wednesday and restaurants (with greater limitations) Friday.

"The truth is, this is the phase where we may begin to see more cases," he said. "There's going to be more spread when people are out and about."

Vandegrift assured residents that they can keep the virus in check.

"We can control it," he said. "The virus can be somewhat controlled with the practices of social distancing, wearing a mask, which is one of the ultimate signs of sacrificing."

The mayor urged residents to let him know if a restaurant or shop violates social distancing guidelines such as not wearing a mask or keeping people six feet apart.

He also had a message regarding gatherings of 10 or fewer people, which will be allowed starting Friday, the beginning of the Memorial Day weekend.

"Practice social distancing the best you can,” he said. ”We're not going to be looking over your fence to see how many people are at your house or if they’re spaced out, but I think it's smart to keep the number of covid cases as close to zero as we can."

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