

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Message from the mayor: Don't gather to eat or drink; businesses allowing such behavior could lose license

By Grayson Vandegrift
Mayor, City of Midway

Overall, I’ve been very impressed with our community’s seriousness in the midst of this pandemic. However, a few are not taking it seriously enough and I want to be very clear about this: There should not be, for any reason, groups of people sitting on a restaurant patio drinking together. There should also not be any group of people sitting in any street-facing view collectively drinking either, as has also been reported. As hard as it is, we need to take extremely seriously these social distancing guidelines. In fact, people in general shouldn’t be gathering in closed areas where social distancing can’t be practiced.

This is a serious, infectious disease, and to be frank, we’re not likely to see the peak for another three weeks to a month. We are trying to protect every life that we can, and this kind of behavior is unacceptable. Please don’t be the business that allows the virus to spread unnecessarily. Please don’t be the individuals that work against the great work the majority is doing.

We’re going to get through this, and the more we take it seriously, the quicker we’ll be done with this intrusion into our lives. We all love the liberty we possess in this country, but in the name of saving lives, we have to adjust our behavior and practice social distancing at all times right now, without exception. If I get any further reports, like I received tonight, I will have the police break up the party, and we will consider pulling the business license of any place of business condoning irresponsible behavior if we have to.

We want our businesses to make it through this, and we want our citizens to feel as much normalcy as possible, and we’re doing our best to assist in both, but when it comes to protecting Midway citizens and slowing down this spread, I will use the full emergency powers at my disposal and the authority granted me by the governor, if necessary. Please don’t make me do that.

We’re doing a great job, and I’m so proud of how well most everyone is handling this. You are saving lives. Don’t be the person not participating, don’t be the one hurting the common good. We will get through this, but we have to do it together.

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