

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Facebook page aims to help owners find their lost pets

Screenshot of the top of the Facebook page Midway's lost pets!
By Aaron Gershon
University of Kentucky School of Journalism and Media

Live in Midway and can’t find your furry friend? A new Facebook group may help you find them.

Brian Axon of Midway started a group last Sunday called “Midway’s lost pets!” The group’s goal is to post photos of pets from Midway and help reunite them with their owner.

Axon, who also runs the Midway Musings page on Facebook, said he set up an album there for missing pets, but with nearly 1,000 Musings members posting and discussing other pressing matters, the animal posts were sometimes missed.

“We needed a better way of keeping up with our little friends and whose family they belong to,” Axon told the Messenger. “I decided to make it easier to keep up with and find what pet belongs where in case one did get out on a walk about or loose for whatever reason without the owner knowing it was gone.”

Axon said he was prompted by a May 15 post on Musings from Midway resident ‎Melina Renee,‎ a photo of a missing chicken.

“I decided after the chicken incident that we needed a better way of keeping up with our little friends,” Axon said.

The site isn’t just for pets that are lost. Axon asked members to “share our pets’ images and our names so when our four legged or other loved pets can be quickly identified and returned safely home to us or share when ours has gone a walk about without permission.”

Several residents have posted photos of their missing pets. The page has separate albums for dogs and cats.

Axon says the page is just one way for him to “to help this wonderful community that has given me so much a little back.”

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