

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Mayor issues weekly report on Midway and pandemic, suggests #ThisIsMidway tag for praise on social media

Mayor Grayson Vandegrift said he did his weekly update without a script. He compliments Midway citizens on doing well at social distancing and says that is probably a reason no cases of the highly contagious coronavirus have been reported in town, so "There's no reason to change horses in midstream" and ease up. "Now's the time to really buckle down and show what we're made of. . . . If we go too fast, we're going to undo all this work."

Vandegrift encourages residents to get takeout at restaurants, and thanks people for improving their social distancing at the grocery. He asks people who "see people doing great things and being awesome neighbors" to use a new hashtag on social media: #ThisIsMidway. "This is the greatest small city in the country, and you're showing why."

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