

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Open-container ordinance is temporarily suspended

Midway's recently passed ordinance allowing open containers of alcoholic beverage to be carried outside licensed premises has been suspended temporarily by Mayor Grayson Vandegrift, to whom the ordinance grants such authority.

"A recent executive order by the governor allows restaurants who are selling curbside to also sell packaged liquor or beer to accompany the meal, but it strictly prohibits selling ready-made drinks in to go containers," Vandegrift said in an email to the City Council and the news media. "This has understandably caused some confusion, and in the interest of a unified, consistent approach, I am suspending this ordinance temporarily."

Vandegrift noted that the ordinance was intended to increase downtown commerce, but "with the health crisis, all retail shops are ordered closed and restaurants are operating under limiting parameters; therefore, the intention of the ordinance cannot be fulfilled."

Also, he said, "While we encourage people to walk outside, while practicing social distancing, allowing this practice to continue during this time would contradict the governor’s order and would serve no purpose to our goal of flattening the curve.  Patrons who purchase food can still purchase packaged liquor, wine or beer per the order but it is intended for consumption at home."

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