

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Midway woman writes about her 'total lifestyle change'

Wilda Willis Caudle (Facebook photos)
By Wilda Willis Caudle

     A year ago, at 58 years old, I felt like hell and looked about the same. My Type 2 diabetes was managed only by medication and reminded me that I could be the next Willis to die from diabetes-related illness. My primary-care physician was honest and frank with me. The choice was mine to make. Approaching 60 and my family medical history quite honestly scared me to make a total lifestyle change.

Before her lifestyle change
     So, I challenged myself to get in shape and to establish and maintain a healthy weight. No excuses. Well, a year later and thanks to a total lifestyle change I am 70 pounds lighter, off all diabetes and cholesterol medications, at a healthy weight and becoming physically fit. My journey to wellness isn't over it is continually evolving.
     I owe a large part of the lifestyle change to Fit-Time Gym in Frankfort, owned by Diana Geddes, formerly of Midway (the daughter of Patricia and Charles Wilson); my personal trainer, Rebecca Everman; and Rebe Conley's weekly yoga sessions. The encouragement, challenging workouts, and, truthful positive feedback keeps me on track.
     I consider my gym time as therapy; yep, therapy. I have made friendships with women who share my struggles and who are walking the path to wellness. Some have been a member of Fit-Time for at least 20 years.
     Hey, this gym membership is more cost effective than shopping or other forms of conventional therapy. Y'all know how I love making money when shopping for a good deal.
     This year the annual open house is Friday, Dec. 6. Ladies, you can join any other gym in town but you won't have the one-on-one client attention like at Fit-Time for Women. At Fit-Time you get everything all the other gyms have, plus child care, various fitness classes, sauna, the services of a full-service nail salon and massage therapist.The services of the nail salon and massage therapist are in addition to a gym membership. But, you don't have to drive all over town for those services.
     Fit-Time also offers various community projects so its members can give back to others in need like the Backpack Program, the Christmas Angel Tree, recycling plastic bottle tops to be made into benches, and, more.
     Fit-Time for Women is just that -- for women only. A non-judgmental gym for women where everyone is working to be the best they can be. Every journey to wellness is different and nobody is worried about your journey because they are all concentrating on theirs.
     Everyone there is ready to help you be the healthiest and best "you". I might even see you there. What are you waiting for?
The original, longer version of this essay was posted on Facebook on Dec. 4.    

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