

Monday, November 25, 2019

Bridge placed at Weisenberger Mill; long-delayed project is on target for expected completion in May

Just as a crane lifted the old, dilapidated Weisenberger Mill bridge off its moorings on Aug. 30, one lifted a new one from a stretch truck and placed it on the recently strengthened abutments. Phil Weisenberger shot a video from his family's mill and sped it up for easier viewing. This is one frame.

For long-debated reasons of historic preservation and safety, the new bridge is a one-lane, pony truss, much like the old one. The project is expected to be completed in May, just in time for the summer tourist season. The bridge over South Elkhorn Creek, where a mill and scenic dam have stood since 1865, is a favorite stop in the Bluegrass.

The state's contract with Louisville Paving Co. gives the firm until July 26 to complete the project, but highway officials said after meeting with the contractor that they expected it to be open by May. Natasha Lacy, spokeswoman for the district office of the state Transportation Cabinet, said Tuesday that the project is on schedule and Louisville Paving would like to complete the bridge itself by Jan. 1. She said that is possible with favorable weather, but approaches to the bridge are also part of the contract, and "They take time to pave, and compact fill correctly. Sidewalk and signs have to be installed as well."

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