

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Message from the mayor: New property-maintenance ordinance coming, will be enforced 'to the maximum'

By Grayson Vandegrift
Mayor, City of Midway

I am currently awaiting a draft of a new property maintenance code ordinance from our city attorney, which will be handed to the Blighted Property Committee of the Midway City Council for their review before it goes on to the full council for final passage.

This city has endured for too long a number of property owners who hold in their possession multiple properties that they choose not to properly maintain. While I do not yet have the particular language of the ordinance in my possession, I am partially familiar with its contents, and pending passage by the council I am committed to enforcing it to the maximum extent which the law allows. As a city, we will do everything within our means to ensure that property owners who diligently maintain their properties do not suffer from the blight and abandonment of others.

With that being said, there are some people who own multiple properties and still make the effort and the investments necessary to keep their properties maintained. Some in particular have gone the extra mile to work with the city over the years to bring blighted properties back to code or have demolished uninhabitable abodes. For them I am extremely grateful, and I would remind everyone, as I often remind myself, not to conflate your frustration with some onto others who are doing what is responsible and right.

1 comment:

  1. We are so fortunate to have a mayor and a city council who are willing to take on the tough issues. Thank you!
