

Monday, September 12, 2016

State seeks proposals for moving bridge to be replaced

"The historic Weisenberger Mill Bridge is eligible for relocation," the state Transportation Cabinet announced in a press release Saturday, Sept. 10. "The bridge has been determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places by the Kentucky State Historic Preservation Office. It is a 5-panel Pratt pony truss circa 1935, a 72-foot long structure with a 12-foot wide concrete deck. The truss span is approximately 40 feet long."

The bridge will be replaced next year and the state is seeking a new home for it. "City, county or state government, as well as a historic preservation organization or anyone else approved by the SHPO, could acquire the Weisenberger Mill Bridge for preservation and reuse at a new site in Kentucky," the news release says. "If relocated to an appropriate setting, the bridge may still be eligible for the National Register."

Before making proposals, interested parties are encouraged to contact the cabinet's District 7 Office in Lexington to get information about the bridge's condition. Letters of interest and proposals for this bridge will be accepted until 60 days after publication of a legal advertisement, which should occur soon. To make a proposal or get more information, contact Derek Adams, Transportation Cabinet, Highway District 7, 763 W. New Circle Road, Lexington KY 40512. Here are some details:

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