

Friday, July 1, 2016

Council July 5: Sidewalk subsidy, gun-shooting ban, comprehensive plan with Versailles bypass as a goal

The Midway City Council will meet Tuesday, July 5, rather than the previous day, due to the July 4 holiday. The agenda includes adoption of a revised plan for subsidizing sidewalk repairs, first reading of an ordinance prohibiting the discharge of firearms in the city except by police or "unless necessary or proper for the protection of person or property," and an invitation to submit comments by July 7 on the proposed revision of the Woodford County comprehensive plan.

The sidewalk resolution includes a new provision barring the 50 percent subsidy (up to $500) to anyone with an interest in property on which taxes are delinquent, property that the city has currently identified as abandoned or blighted, or property that has been referred to the building inspector for possible code violations. A copy of the resolution is in the council packet, downloadable as a 5.13 mb PDF here.

The planning proposal includes several changes in the plan's goals and objectives, including "Promote and encourage the extension of KY 2113 to US 60 at or near the intersection of US 62." That is the proposed northwest bypass of Versailles, to which Midway had objected because of the likely funneling of traffic onto Midway Road, US 62. The provision was requested in February by J.D. Wolf, chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission.

Other new goals and objectives include "emphasis on retail and dining in Versailles" as part of encouraging commercial centers; encouragement of "green construction" in commercial and industrial areas; and "Protect Woodford County from fracking, especially the transportation of fracking byproducts like natural-gas liquids." The county has no known oil or gas reserves that could be subject to hydraulic fracturing, but a plan for a proposed natural-gas-liquids pipeline through the Midway area was scrapped two years ago after courts said the pipeline didn't qualify for the power of eminent domain or condemnation.

A copy of the proposed goals and objectives is in the council packet. The hearing on the comprehensive plan is scheduled for July 14 at 6:30 p.m. at the courthouse in Versailles.

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