

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Sanders carries Midway and, narrowly, the county

State Board of Elections map:
Precincts carried by Sanders

in green, Clinton in brown
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders carried both Midway precincts on his way to narrowly carrying Woodford County in yesterday's Kentucky presidential primary, won narrowly by Hillary Clinton in unofficial returns.

Sanders edged Clinton in the Midway city precinct, 172 to 164, with former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Mally getting three votes and 13 going to a theoretical uncommitted slate of convention delegates.

The rural Midway precinct gave 92 to Sanders, 76 to Clinton, 11 to uncommitted, 2 to O'Malley and 1 to Rocky De La Fuente, a San Diego businessman.

Countywide, Sanders got 1,918, or 47.68 percent; Clinton 1,862, or 46.28 percent; O'Malley 46, De La Fuente 10 and uncommitted 187. Clinton carried most Versailles precincts and those east of town.

Statewide, Clinton got 212,549, or 46.75 percent; Sanders, 210,626, or 46.33 percent. Other votes were uncommitted, 24,122; O'Malley, 5,720; and De La Fuente, 1,592.

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