

Monday, March 14, 2016

Midway University seeks nominations for annual awards

Midway University is seeking nominations for its 2016 Spotlight Awards, to be presented Thursday, May 26. The awards honor a female community leader who has improved the lives of women or someone who has served as a strong role model for young women, and someone who has directly benefited the university.

The Pinkerton Vision Award honors the legacy of Dr. L.L. Pinkerton, whose vision of the Kentucky Female Orphan School in 1847 established it as the first formal education for orphaned girls on the site that is now Midway University. Criteria include: an individual or group who has had a direct impact on improving the lives of women; a woman who has served as an outstanding role model; or a woman who has displayed great leadership, innovative thinking and influence in her chosen field. The recipient must be a Kentucky native, resident or organization located in Kentucky. For a nomination form, click here.

The Midway University Legacy Award award honors a person or persons who have impacted the university over many years by giving time, service, support and/or resources. The winner is chosen by a committee of college representatives.

The awards dinner, in the Piper Dining Hall at 6 p.m., will also have a keynote speaker. A reception will precede it at 6 p.m. All proceeds from the dinner and awards ceremony will go to support ongoing academic programming and student scholarships at Midway University. The awards are sponsored by Community Trust Bank.

To make a nomination, purchase tickets, become a sponsor of this event or find out more about the awards dinner, visit or call Scott Fitzpatrick at 859-846-5300.

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