

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Midway Presbyterian Church schedules monthly environmental forums through May, starting tonight

By Leah Sharp
University of Kentucky School of Journalism and Media

The Midway Presbyterian Church is starting an Environmental Action Forum and has scheduled five monthly meetings starting tonight, Thursday, Jan. 21, at 6:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall.

The lead speaker for Thursday’s event will be Zeb Weese of Midway, who will speak about preserving natural areas, which is his job in state government.

The church’s announcement says the forums are for people who care about the world to talk about Mother Nature and what we can do to help keep our world beautiful. 

These meetings are free of charge and include light refreshments and child care.

The other dates and speakers, all at 6:30 p.m., are:
  • Feb. 18: “Invasive Species and our Waterways,” Dr. Joshua Adkins, Transylvania University 
  • March 17: “Homeowner Basics for Healthy Streams: A River of Words,” Dr. Amanda Gumbert, University of Kentucky
  • April 21: “Bat Ecology and Conservation.”  Dr. Luke Dodd, Eastern Kentucky University
  • May 19: “Kentucky’s Rare and Native Plants,” Tara Littlefield, Kentucky Nature Preserves Commission

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