

Monday, October 26, 2015

Darin Hensley's 'Chili w/Beans' beat 'Better Than Darin's' to win Chili Cook-Off, which drew record crowd

By Brittany Forte'
University of Kentucky School of Journalism and Telecommunications

Story and photos by Amanda Colvin
University of Kentucky School of Journalism and Telecommunications

Nine chilis were offered for judging and eating.
Midway got its first taste of Halloween on Sunday night as Midway Baptist Church held its sixth annual chili cook-off followed by Trunk or Treat for the children.

People of all ages filled the church fellowship hall to show off their costumes and see who had the best chili.  Not only was there chili, but also crackers, cheese, hot dogs, refreshments and a full dessert table.  Residents of Midway got their full taste of fall. The scene of the cook-off was one of fellowship and happiness, one part of the purpose of the cook-off.

“For us, it’s a great outreach event and just a chance to invite the community in…just a fun time of fellowship,” said cook-off coordinator Andrea Ball.

The event brought in 125 adults and 40 children.  While the adults were eager to taste the chili, the kids seemed more interested in showing off their costumes.

Kenny Tackett placed second but may have had the best name.
Nine chili recipes were up for judging.  The recipes ranged from sweet to spicy, and with beans or noodles. The judges were selected by age to represent each generation, with one judge a child, one an adult, and one an elder member of the church. The judges each got a small sample cup of each chili recipe and picked their favorites.

The winner was Darin Hensley with “Chili w/Beans,” followed by Kenny Tackett’s “Better Than Darin’s” and Megan Price’s “Cooper Chili.”

“A lot of good chili, a lot of good flavors, a lot of good meat, a lot of good sauces,” judge Michael Webster said. “It was difficult to pick out the one that was the best.”

Trunks were decorated for Trunk or Treat.
After a difficult decision, the winners of the cook-off were named and the children headed to Trunk or Treat, in which they go from car to car in the parking lot to get candy. 

Though the cook-off was considered a competition, the sense of community and fellowship were the leading factors of the evening.

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