

Monday, June 1, 2015

City council passes anti-discrimination ordinance, 4-2; Warfield adds written statement to minutes

The Midway City Council tonight passed the long-discussed "fairness ordinance" that will ban discrimination in housing, employment and public accommodations based on sexual orientation, gender identity or familial status.

The vote was 4 to 2, with Council Members Libby Warfield and Steven Craig opposed. Warfield asked Mayor Grayson Vandegrift, "Why are we doing this?" The mayor, who proposed the ordinance, said people could be fired, evicted or denied service in a place of public accommodation because they are gay or transgender.

UPDATE, June 19: Warfield attached a written statement to the minutes of the meeting, explaining her vote. "There is no prejudice or discrimination here," she wrote. "My 39-year-old-son, who is gay, was born here and lived most of his life here. He is a past member of this city council. He and I agree that there is no reason for this ordinance at this time."

When the ordinance takes effect with publication in The Woodford Sun, Midway will become the eighth Kentucky town with such an ordinance. For more background, click here. For more details on the meeting and reaction, see Greg Kocher's story in the Lexington Herald-Leader, here.

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