

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Driver lands upside down in South Elkhorn Creek after failing to negotiate sharp curve at bridge

A Versailles police officer rescued a motorist in the wee hours of Thursday morning after the driver's BMW failed to make the sharp curve on Old Frankfort Pike at the South Elkhorn Creek bridge and landed upside down in the water.

Officer Scot Cottingham told Jim Warren of the Lexington Herald-Leader that he was looking for the site of an earlier accident "when he saw the BMW 'come around the corner at a pretty high rate of speed,' hit the end of the bridge, plunge over an embankment and land in the water," Warren reports. "He driver was left dangling from his seat belt with his face barely above water. Cottingham waded into the creek to reassure the driver until firefighters arrived to get him out of the car."

"It's fortunate that where he was pinned, his head was above water," Cottingham told Warren. "Obviously, he was scared, and what I did was mainly talk to him and assure him that we were there to help and that he would be taken care of. It was lucky that someone witnessed the wreck, because that location is not very well traveled at night, and he could have been there a long time."

Warren reports, "The motorist, whose name was not released, was taken to University of Kentucky Chandler Hospital with cuts on his face and complaining of pain in his legs." Cottingham told Warren that the driver should recover.

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