

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Children and parents enjoyed Midway Baptist Church's annual Easter egg hunt at city park

Story and photos by Julia Myers
University of Kentucky School of Journalism and Telecommunications

The sun was shining and the kids were smiling last weekend at the annual Midway Baptist Church Easter egg hunt.  Families from the community headed to the city park on Saturday to join in the festivities.

Families arrived at the park at 3 p.m., with excited children, colorful baskets in hand, and ready to hunt for eggs.  The kids ranged in age from 2 to 12.  

The 60-degree-weather was a welcome change from the cold temperatures during the rest of March, one of the coldest on record in the area.  The blue sky and green lawn sprinkled with colorful plastic eggs set the perfect scene for the festivities.  Several parents, who had participated that morning in Lexington’s Run the Bluegrass half marathon, made it just in time to see their little ones set out on the hunt.  

Andrea Ball helps a young egg hunter.
Children’s minister Andrea Ball, right, who oversees programs for children from age 3 to fifth grade, said the egg hunt is a long-standing tradition that predates her time at the church by several years.  She said the former children’s minister remembers attending the egg hunt with her daughters more than 11 years ago.  

Ball, who has been involved with the church since 2007, said she was pleased with how the hunt turned out. “We could not have asked for a more beautiful afternoon,” she said.  “We had a great turnout by our church members and visitors.”  About 30 children participated in the hunt.

After all the coin-filled eggs were collected, kids were able to exchange them for a fun toy or treat of their choice.  Each plastic coin was worth one prize, and each participant could collect up to 20 coins.

The egg hunters camped out on the lawn after their baskets were filled to count their coins and sort their treasures.  One participant found his basket a little lighter after his family’s puppy, Charlie, decided he would take a coin or two for himself.  His mom quickly came to his rescue, recovering the coin from the yellow Labrador retriever’s mouth, and all was forgiven. 

Ball said the event was enjoyable for kids and adults alike. “I love the sense of anticipation as the children wait for the egg hunt to begin and the smiles on their faces when they leave with their baskets full of goodies,” she said.  “The event is for the children, but it's a real treat for the adults to witness their excitement and the joy this tradition brings them.”

Members of the church arrived an hour early to help get tables set up, prizes unwrapped, and eggs hidden.  “Blake Jones, Luke Jones, Justin Ball, and Connor Akers contributed by hiding eggs and staffing the prize tables,” said Ball.  “And Sherry Baylif-Webster was a big help with cleanup after the hunt.” 
Ball said they have learned from experience over the years, and quickly discovered that chocolate candy does in fact melt in the eggs on a hot afternoon, creating a mess for parents.

The children's ministry team has the preparation for the annual egg hunt down to a science, Ball said, but they could always use extra hands to set up. She said church members could help next year by arriving a little bit early to hide the eggs.

In addition to Sunday morning worship services at MBC, Ball said she hopes that families will join the church community on Wednesday evening for their weekly fellowship meal. Small groups for children, youth and adults also meet every Wednesday evening at MBC.

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