

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Council to consider alcohol and parking ordinances

The agenda for Tuesday's Midway City Council meeting will be changed to include first reading of two ordinances that cleared a council committee this morning.

The Finance, City Property and Ordinance Committee approved a new alcohol ordinance to conform to Midway's new status as a fourth-class city, which gives it more authority on the subject. "Basically all those changes were just housekeeping to move us from fifth class to fourth class," Committee Chairman Sharon Turner said.

Turner proposed, and the committee agreed, to delete a section of the ordinance that would give the city the power to levy an extra tax on alcohol sales. "None of the cities around us have a tax like that," she said. "There's enough taxes and stuff on our products now . . . and I don't think it would bring in that much."

Turner proposed, and the committee agreed, to add a section requiring training for alcohol servers. She said it was borrowed from the ordinance in Manchester. "I think you're eventually going to see the state mandate training statewide," said Turner, who works for a beer company.

The committee also approved a new ordinance on parking tickets that would mirror the ordinances of the county and Versailles, on the thinking that Versailles police patrol the whole county and the ordinances should be the same to avoid confusion.

In the other item of business, Mayor Tom Bozarth told the committee that the city's certificates of deposit haven't been broken up to get under the federal insurance limit, as recommended by a recent audit. "We could get a lower rate than we're getting now," he said. In response to a question from Council Member Dan Roller, Bozarth said one CD comes up for renewal in June or August.

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