

Monday, September 12, 2011

City Council to meet one hour later than usual

The next meeting of the Midway City Council has been set for one hour later than usual, at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 19, at City Hall. City Clerk Phyllis Hudson said in an email that the regularly scheduled meeting has been rescheduled for a special meeting at that hour.

Because the rescheduled meeting is being called a special meeting, its agenda will be limited to the subjects specified in the meeting notice: council questions about the audit for the 2010-11 fiscal year and an ordinance amending the budget for that year, in order to match the audit figures. The ordinance was on the agenda but was not acted on the last meeting, at which the audit was discuseed. UPDATE: The agenda has been expanded to include consideration of an adjustment request, passed on by the Water and Sewer Committee at its meeting Wednesday, Sept. 14.

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